Physiotherapy in Cheltenham

Physiotherapy in Cheltenham CheltenhamCheltenham

Physiotherapist in Cheltenham

We provide professional and reliable Physiotherapy helps people affected by injury, illness or disability through movement and exercise, manual therapy, education and advice.

Physiotherapy in Cheltenham

Physiotherapy Options OptionsOptions

We carry out an in-depth diagnosis of your complaint, which takes into account your lifestyle, injury history and any accidents which may have contributed to it. They will then use a variety of strength and mobility tests, joint manipulation and mild pressure to assess your symptoms and explain how your body has been affected. Next we develop a unique treatment plan for you.

🔸 Here are some common patient complaints our male and female physiotherapists deal with:


We treat sciatica patients most days. Your physiotherapist will likely give you a treatment plus prescribe a bespoke programme of exercises to help ease your symptoms, depending on the level of pain you're experiencing and also the underlying cause of your sciatica. Expect a reduction in pain after the first visit.

Whiplash Injuries:

Physiotherapy is extremely effective at treating the nine common symptoms of whiplash. The most likely cause of pain is a strain on the small joints of the neck - the facet joints. Physiotherapy is one of the most effective treatments for whiplash recovery.


We help headaches by using a combination of massage, joint mobilisation, stretching and strengthening exercises. This is because there is a strong correlation between poor posture and tension type headaches, with muscle tightness and imbalances leading to headaches.

Muscular back pain

Lower back pain is one of the leading causes of physical disability, especially at the workplace. Research indicates that almost 80% of the population is likely to suffer from lower back pain in their lifetime. The human back is basically a highly complex system of series of interlocking elements including the vertebrae, discs, facet joints, ligaments and muscles. Owing to such a complex structure, an episode of back pain needs a strong physiotherapy-based rehabilitation program.

Discogenic lesions 'Slipped disc'

Physiotherapy for a slipped disc should be started as soon as possible and will involve gentle cardiovascular exercise like cycling. An individualised exercise programme will also be provided including strengthening, range of movement and postural exercises.

Posture related back and neck problems

To restore correct posture, these muscles must regain strength to hold your head and upper body upright. This issue can be fixed with specific physiotherapy exercises designed to improve muscular strength in the back and neck region. Another common symptom of poor posture is stiffness or rigidity. We will also give you lots of advice on how to avoid this issue in day-to-day activities.

Physiotherapy in Cheltenham

Hands On Wellbeing Services ServicesServices

As well as Physiotherapy, we also offer a wide range of additional services to improve your personal wellbeing.

Osteopathy in Cheltenham

Osteopathy treats the whole body, not just the symptom. It's used by people of all ages who suffer pain from sports and work-related injuries, arthritis, sciatica etc.

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Acupuncture in Cheltenham

Acupuncture and dry needling treatment for drug-free pain relief, pain management, and stress relief.

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Shockwave in Cheltenham

Here at Hands On our talented therapists have much more to offer. Take a look at some of our other treatments you can book.

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Sports Massage in Cheltenham

Our sports massage is tailor made for you. Some love it because it's so relieving, others for its in-depth remedial qualities.

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Deep Tissue Massage

Our sports massage is tailor made for you. Some love it because it's so relieving, others for its in-depth remedial qualities.

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Tui Na & Thai Massage in Cheltenham

Tui Na feel deep satisfaction as the knots are worked out by Peter’s masterful technique. Thai stretching leaves you feeling as light as a feather!

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CranioSacral Therapy

With Craniosacral therapy Deborah uses her intuitive, healing, nurturing and ultimately balancing effects

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Yoga Classes in Cheltenham

We offer personalised beginners to advanced yoga classes, private sessions and workshop. Focus on yoga technique on healing and body care.

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Pilates in Cheltenham

Regular Pilates practise can help improve posture, muscle tone, balance and joint mobility, as well as relieve stress and tension.

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Physiotherapy in Cheltenham

Physiotherapy in Cheltenham CheltenhamCheltenham

Physiotherapy in Cheltenham, Physiotherapy in Gloucestershire, Physiotherapist in Gloucestershire, Physiotherapist in Cheltenham, Physiotherapy Cheltenham, Cheltenham physiotherapist, Physical therapy Cheltenham, Sports injury clinic Cheltenham, Back pain physio Cheltenham, Chiropractor Cheltenham, Rehabilitation center Cheltenham, Sports physiotherapy Cheltenham, Neck pain treatment Cheltenham, Orthopedic physiotherapy Cheltenham

Physiotherapy in Cheltenham

Your Local Physiotherapist Specialists SpecialistsSpecialists

What’s on offer!

Expertise >>>
You will be in the care of our expert physiotherapists.

Safety >>>
Many patients can be anxious about performing their exercises at home, especially after major surgery. Spending time under our experts’ supervision will ensure you are performing the exercises correctly and safely!

Continuous support >>>
Our experts will prescribe your exercises and activity at an optimal rate, meaning that you can get back to your activity, sport and being you, as soon as possible!

Clarity >>>
Our physios can answer answer all the burning questions you may have forgotten to ask your consultant at the time. Can I kneel? Can I lay on my side? Can I sit in a chair at this height? When can I start using just one crutch? We can advise you at each stage of your recovery on exactly what you should and shouldn\'t be doing to ensure your hip or knee replacement is 100% successful!

Hands On:
A regular exercise program is key for recovery from your operation. Building up strength and restoring normal movement in your new joint will help ease pain and swelling, reduce the chance of any circulatory problems and most importantly, get you back to your activities quicker!

Call Hands On 01242 243333,
visit our website
or email us at
for more information or to get in touch if you have a specific question or query.

Jeremy Gowan
Anoop Aravindhakshan
PAaulina Polanska
Physiotherapy in Cheltenham

Areas Covered CoveredCovered

We offer specialist staff for the following aeras of expertise.





Osteopathy | Physiotherapy | Shockwave | Sports Massage | Thai Massage | Craniosacral Therapy | Sports Massage | Deep Tissue


Treatments Offered


Open 363 Days a Year


Years in Business


Treatments Applied

Physiotherapy in Cheltenham

Outstanding Testimonials TestimonialsTestimonials

Here is what a few of our customers have said about us:

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